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Digital Trust Challenge

The call for Digital Trust Challenge ideas has ended. Based on the ideas received, a number of facilitated online-workshops were organized during May-June. In these events the participants introduced their ideas, networked and found new partners. If you are still interested in joining the idea challenge, please contact:

Kirsi Kokko
Head of Digital Trust Finland program
kirsi.kokko (at)
+358 50 550 2023


  • The Digital Trust Challenge: March 13–May 1 2020
  • Thematic online-workshops were organized on May-June
  • Further advising for the potential projects starts on August 2020

Why the idea challenge?

Business Finland's Digital Trust Finland program aims to accelerate the growth of new innovations and new global business for security and trust services and solutions – both in suppliers' and end users' point of view. The Digital Trust Challenge is launched to activate the experts of this sector to collaboratively develop new innovations that assure Finnish competitiveness. Business Finland will fund projects in Digital Trust theme with 100 million euros in 2019-2024.


Digital security plays a critical role in the world where people, products, services and different platforms are more and more digitally linked to each other. It is needed to ensure the connectivity, services, logistics and critical infrastructure but also the operating conditions of industry and business in general.

Digital Trust Challenge is realized as a part of Digital Trust program. The aim of the Challenge is to:

  • Scan and activate ideas, innovations and needs in the sector
  • Encourage the players who share interest and expertise in the same themes to network and collaborate in order to strengthen the ecosystems 
  • Enable new innovations to emerge and thus ensure international competitiveness of Finnish expertise also in the future.

Digital Trust Challenge

Digital Trust Challenge is open for Finnish small and middle size enterprises, Midcaps (corporation turnover under 300 MEUR), large companies, research institutes, municipalities and cities, who strive for international growth and competitiveness. The participating companies are expected to have well established business.

Participating in the idea challenge doesn't start the actual funding process; the submitted ideas will be categorized and grouped, and their developers are invited in workshops which take place in May-June. The objective in the workshops is to network and encourage in collaboration the actors interested in the same theme and consequently combine individual ideas into larger schemes. Even after the potentially applied and funded R&D&I project you'll still need finalizing R&D before the actual market launch or a product or service.

The objective is to encourage new emerging consortiums that will be formed in the workshops to prepare joint innovation projects during 2020. At this stage all Business Finland's normal funding services such as co-creation and co-innovation funding are available. In addition, Business Finland offers information about potentially matching EU-calls. Read more on the funding  services

Themes of the Idea Challenge

Digital Trust Challenge focus themes are the following:

  • Infrastructure security (specifically energy and connectivity)
  • Critical (authorities) communication
  • Industry cyber security
  • Technology development in cyber security
  • Quantum computing and cyber security

The ideas and related solutions must have significant positive impacts on the applicant’s international competitiveness. The challenge to be solved may relate with either increasing the value of an existing product or service, or entirely new product or service concept. No finalized product or service is expected to be developed on the first phase idea challenge.

Watch the Digital Trust Challenge launch event webcast

Read more about the Digital Trust Finland program