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Blog 25.02.2022

Our work on the global energy transition continues – take advantage of Business Finland's network, programs, and funding

The Smart Energy Finland program, which ended at the turn of the year, raised the profile of Finnish energy know-how globally. We are continuing to support the development of the sector and the success of companies in the framework of the mission to achieve carbon neutrality and the mission-implementing programs such as Bio and Circular Finland, Smart Mobility and Batteries from Finland, Sustainable Manufacturing Finland, and Finland's Sustainable Growth Program.
Helena Sarén

Mission Lead, Carbon neutrality
helena.saren (at)
Tel. +358 40 3433 324

The core task of Business Finland's programs is to set in motion a transformation or a new theme. We kickstarted many things during the five years of the Smart Energy Finland program. Our starting point was an understanding that seizing the opportunities offered by the great energy transition requires the courage to go and be seen around the world. We produced materials to show the strengths of the Finnish offering, invested heavily in the different activities supporting internationalization, facilitated many events that raised the profile of Finnish energy know-how, and promoted the emergence of new business.

We gained visibility and interest for the energy companies in dozens of countries through the program's work, highlighted market opportunities, shared many Frost & Sullivan market reports with the companies, and produced content for ministerial speeches. The program also participated in drafting MoUs for Indonesia and other countries and met with local companies and potential partners in Canada, Mexico, Germany, Poland, South Africa, India, and Thailand, for example. We also organized numerous seminars and webinars. In 2020, despite Covid, we held 74 different events worldwide, attracting a couple of thousand attendees.

Highlights and successes

I'm particularly proud of how quickly and boldly the program seized the issue of the hydrogen economy. Among the many activities, we prepared the national hydrogen roadmap and Finland's hydrogen offering and organized meetings with the hydrogen sector operators in many countries. The in-depth cooperation with China that has continued for several years fostered, for example, two calls for demonstration projects. We also created new ways of working during the coronavirus pandemic. Using big TV screens, we organized a joint, real-time dining experience in December 2020, where Japanese hydrogen sector actors enjoyed dinner at the Finnish ambassador's residence while the core crew of the program was having lunch here in Finland.

Smart Energy Finland was also a great example of effective Team Finland cooperation. The ambassadors, embassies, and colleagues worldwide put in a lot of valuable work for the program. They continue to support the energy sector companies' export efforts in the countries where good contacts have been established. I warmly thank all the companies and individuals who have participated in the Smart Energy Finland program.

Energy is at the core of everything

The energy sector remains one of Business Finland's main focus areas. It is encouraging to see how many companies in the sector have recognized the growth opportunities created by the energy transition, demonstrated by the many high-quality innovation projects it has generated. I encourage all companies interested in the international markets to connect with their client manager or our internationalization advisory services so we can work together in identifying the services that will best support each company's objectives.

Since summer 2021, I have led Business Finland's Zero Carbon Future mission, focusing on energy, traffic, and mobility. One of the key objectives in the mission's work is to understand the global transformations better, including their impact on current business and, above all, the new business opportunities that they offer. We aim to help companies renew and accelerate their journey to the international markets, improving both their competitiveness and the Finnish society as a whole, now and in the future.

Our success will be measured by how much we can grow our carbon handprint in the global marketplace. Let's continue our fruitful cooperation on these and other themes related to the energy sector!

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