The Republic of Korea, Finland and Sweden actively participating in Eurostars2 jointly announce a Promotional Call for Project Ideas within the Eurostars2 programme. The main objective of this call is to stimulate the generation of Eurostars projects. The call focuses on developing innovative products, applications and services with a strong market potential. Although Eurostars2 calls are open for projects within all technology areas, this promotional call specially focuses on:
Project Outline commented [Phase1 – optional]
In order to check the eligibility of your project and to assist you with improving your application, we advise you to share a short description of your application, using the project outline form, with the Eurostars contact persons from the Republic of Korea (KIAT), Finland (Business Finland), and Sweden (VINNOVA). The project consortium shall decide who will be the main partner, and the main partner sends the joint project outline to the national Eurostars contacts at KIAT, Vinnova and Business Finland.
The project outlines are received until the 15th of June 2019, but applicants are invited to submit the project outlines as early as possible. The applicants will get a short feedback from their national organisation within 4 weeks. This feedback is meant to improve the chances in the Eurostars Call.