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Call 31.3.2022

Battery industry: Piloting, demonstration and investment projects

Business Finland’s funding call is intended for piloting, demonstration and investment projects in the battery industry. Investments in the battery value chain support the EU-level transition to low-emission transport. The goal of the funding call is to advance piloting and investments in the battery value chain and the recycling of battery materials in Finland.

Further information


Maarit Kokko
Business Finland


Kari Keskinen
Business Finland


E-mail addresses:

Call has ended!

The aim is to seek significant new production solutions that support the green transition to improve the competitiveness of Finland's battery industry, especially in battery materials, battery manufacturing, reuse and recycling.

Furthermore, projects support increases in business and employment in Finland, and also internationally. The funding call is intended for companies registered in Finland. The funding is intended for piloting, demonstration and investment projects carried out in Finland. The funding call is divided into investment projects for reuse and recycling (Recovery and Resilience Facility, RRF), and piloting and demonstration projects in the battery value chain and investment projects that exceed the EU’s environmental protection standards (national funding). A total of EUR 70 million in funding has been planned for the funding call (EUR 50 million in 2021 and EUR 20 million in 2022). Application criteria and funding are described in more detail in the application instructions (see below).

RRF funding: Costs of reuse and recycling projects eligible funding only include additional investment costs resulting from solutions exceeding the EU’s standards or the sector’s technological development level. Reuse and recycling investments to be funded must enable the utilization of the waste flow or side stream in question as new raw material by at least 50% with regard to weight so as to fulfill the EU’s climate and environmental criteria set for funding.

National funding: Piloting and demonstration projects to be funded through the funding call for the battery industry to cover the value chain, ranging from battery chemicals to battery cells, not including raw materials, battery applications or charging systems. Investment projects that exceed the EU’s environmental protection standards or the sector’s technological development level can also be funded from national funding.

Funding can be applied for in the form of investment aid when the application to be funded is used in commercial production. Regarding investment projects, additional investment costs arising from solutions exceeding the EU’s standards or the sector’s technological development level are only eligible for support. Research, development and piloting projects can be funded through R&D funding. Within the scope of the funding call, funding can also be exceptionally granted for piloting and demonstration projects, as well as for the R&D activities possibly required for them, in the form of grants.

The funding call implements the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland, which is part of the EU’s RRF. RRF funding promotes structural renewal in business and industry and the creation of a competitive edge based on Finnish companies' sustainable solutions.

Applicants are advised to contact Business Finland well before submitting their application.

The deadline for piloting, demonstration and investment projects in the battery value chain is November 30th 2021. The deadline for investment projects for the reuse and recycling of battery materials (RRF) is March 31st 2022.

Application instructions (pdf)

Read more about Finland's sustainable growth program

Read more about the Investment aid for circular economy funding
