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Call 26.10.-20.11.2021

Sustainable Growth Program for Finland: Call for Finnish proposals for the participation in the new Important Project of Common European Interest (IPCEI) in Hydrogen

Application time begins 26.10.2021 and ends 20.11.2021 (23:59, Finnish time)

For more information, please contact

Tero Ijäs
Ecosystems lead, Business Finland
tero.ijas (at)

Markku Kivistö

Head of Industry, Business Finland
markku.kivisto (at)

Reijo Munther

Head of EU initiatives, Business Finland
reijo.munther (at)

Janne Peltola

Ministerial Adviser, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
janne.peltola (at)

Jyrki Alkio

Leading expert, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
jyrki.alkio (at)

Call has ended!

Europe is shifting towards climate leadership.

Three main factors are influencing the European industry: Green transition, financial recovery and global competition. Underlying all of these are enabling technologies, such as hydrogen-related investments in research and development. The 23 EU countries and Norway have jointly committed themselves to promoting value chains related to these critical competitive factors by signing a joint declaration on the subject. The declaration launched a process led by Germany, in which the projects participating in the first two parallel waves have already been identified and a search is now being launched for projects wishing to follow the next waves. The application is open to companies seeking direct participation in hydrogen-ipcei.


Applications will be send to

To Business Finland's registry
Secured email
with identification "VetyIPCEI 2. BFOY/8/35/2021"


To Ministry of Economy and Foreign Affairs registry
kirjaamo (at)
with identification "Vety-IPCEI-haku 2, VN/26734/2021"
