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Call 20.9-22.11.2023

Clean Energy Transition Partnership funding call

Leave your project pre-proposal latest on November 22nd at 12.00 CET (Central European Time) 

Further Information


Katja Hollmén
Business Finland
katja.hollmen (at)
+358 40 579 9331 


Jarkko Piirto
Business Finland
jarkko.piirto (at)
+358 50 312 8622


Anssi Paalanen
anssi.paalanen (at)
+358 400 597 866

The CETPartnership aims to empower the clean energy transition and contribute to the EU's goal of becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050, by pooling national and regional RDTI funding for a broad variety of technologies and system solutions required to make the transition. There are over 30 countries and regions involved. In Finland, the funding organization is Innovaatiorahoituskeskus Business Finland.

The preliminary budget of the first call is approximately 135 M€ of which Business Finland has a budget of 5 M€. The grant call is aims to advance green transition.  

The Thematic areas of CETP

  1. Integrated Net-zero-emissions Energy System

  2. Enhanced zero emission Power Technologies

  3. Enabling Climate Neutrality with Storage Technologies, Renewable Fuels and CCU/CCS
  4. Efficient zero emission Heating and Cooling Solutions

  5. Integrated Regional Energy Systems

  6. Integrated Industrial Energy Systems

  7. Integration in the Built Environment

Project consortium

Call is open for companies and research organizations. 

A consortium is required to involve at least one company with its own project. Having more than one Finnish company involved strengthens the consortium and thus improves its chances of becoming funded when consortium is applying for funding from Business Finland. 

If Finnish research organizations take part in European consortia, it is required that the research is widely utilized and that Finnish companies participate in the utilization of the results.     

Read more detailed application text


  • Project pre-proposals to be submitted 20.9-22.11.2023
  • If the pre-proposal is selected, the project consortium is invited to submit a full proposal. This request shall arrive in early 2024
  • Full proposals to be submitted 25.1.-22.3.2024
  • Funding decisions shall be made by the end of November 2024
  • Next call will open in fall 2024

Project proposals shall be submitted to the CETP portal, which will open during fall 2023: Joint Call 2023 | CETPartnership.

Applicants should be in contact with Business Finland contact people early enough before the submission of the project proposal. 

Info sessions

More information at the partnership website