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Call 25.9. - 18.1.2024

Eureka Xecs Call 3 launch

This is a two-phase call for proposals: The Project Outlines will be submitted on 18 January, 2024 latest.

The details can be found on the Call Website


Hanna Rinta-Erkkilä (Eureka cooperation and funding process)
+358 40 751 4278


Jöns Tuomaranta (Xecs funding)
+358 40 557 3079


Call has ended!

Xecs Matchmaking Event of the Xecs Call 3 on 25 September 2023, 10:00 – 17:00 CEST in Paris. The Xecs Call 3 will be launched during this one-day occasion.

Event will be held in Bpifrance, Le Hub, 6-8 Boulevard Haussmann, 75 009 Paris. You will get to know more about Xecs, hear about the funding opportunities and the eligibility criteria from Public Authorities. Present your project idea, listen to pitches, network and build your consortia.

Business Finland funding

Business Finland applies national funding criteria, including the so-called Co-innovation Criteria for consortia where research is included. There is no specific funding budget for this call.

Call timeline

This is a two-phase call for proposals: The Project Outlines will be submitted on 18 January 2024 latest. The proposals selected for 2nd phase evaluation will prepare the Full Project Proposal by 18 April 2024.

Read more about the call

The EUREKA XECS cluster Call information will be held on 31.10. you can register from the link.