Business Finland is launching a supplementary RRF call for projects that promote the development of low-carbon hydrogen production and storage as well as carbon capture and utilisation. The funding call is part of Finland’s Recovery and Resilience Plan, which is Finland’s national plan for utilising the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) funding.
The funding aims to promote the development of clean hydrogen production and storage on a commercial scale. The funding will be allocated to investments or research and product development projects related to the hydrogen value chain as well as carbon capture and storage. With this aid, Finland is expected to promote (i) the production of low-carbon “green” hydrogen to replace fossil fuels in heavy industry, (ii) carbon capture, storage and utilisation, and (iii) hydrogen-related research.
In this call, Business Finland’s funding is allocated to:
The aid is intended for funding low-carbon hydrogen production and storage technologies. Low-carbon hydrogen refers to hydrogen produced from non-fossil matter, such as hydrogen produced from water using electricity or as a by-product of production. Production of hydrogen from natural gas is not eligible for funding.
Projects related to carbon capture and utilisation include projects that involve carbon storage, among others.
The funding call is targeted at large companies in the energy technology sector and energy-intensive industry and their supplier networks, as well as operators in the SME sector that commercialise innovations. There are no restrictions on company size, and the aid is not limited to specific regions or sectors. Research organisations may receive funding as part of a co-innovation joint project with companies.
See the application instructions RRF Hydrogen funding call 2024 (pdf)
Aid may only be granted to projects that comply with the “do no significant harm” principle.
Read the instructions on how to answer DNSH (Do No Significant Harm) questions
Explore the Sustainable Growth Programme for Finland
Applicants are advised to contact Business Finland in good time before submitting an application.
Tero Ijäs, IPCEI projects and research projects
Markku Heimbürger, IPCEI projects
Miro Aaltonen, research projects
The funding application is submitted in Business Finland’s online service.
The funding call will close at 11:59 pm on 10 January 2025.