Nordic Energy Research (Nordisk Energiforskning) is the Nordic institution for joint energy research and research-based policy development under the Nordic Council of Ministers. Nordic Energy Research finances joint research and analyses, researcher mobility and networks, and enables meeting places and intergovernmental energy collaborations that strengthen national energy initiatives and their prerequisites.
The Nordic Energy Systems Research Program reinforces cooperation between Nordic research groups that work with modelling of energy systems. The collaboration strengthens competence and results with respect to modelling and analysis, based on existing national research activities. The 2025 call is focused on two themes: Managing Uncertainty in the Nordic Energy System and Energy System modelling and Socioeconomic models.
Business Finland can fund Finnish participants in Nordic project consortia that participate in the call and is prepared to fund one or at most two research groups in each of the work packages corresponding to the call's theme areas. The funding is a maximum of €50,000 per research group and work package. In addition to participating in theme-specific work packages, Finnish organizations can apply for funding directly from Nordic Energy Research to coordinate the implementation of the entire Nordic joint project (NOK 4,300,000). A more detailed description of the call and its thematic scope is presented on the joint search's own website.
Business Finland's funding is aimed at participation in a Nordic joint project and is applied for as Co-Research funding service. Exceptionally, this call does not require direct corporate participation or funding, but the applicant must publish information about the project's results and assemble an appropriate national steering group for the project. Applicants must submit their national funding application in Business Finland's online services after the deadline of the joint Nordic call no later than 2 April 2025, with the project plan submitted to Nordic Energy Research as an attachment. Joint projects are estimated to start from August 2025, depending on the decision-making process in different countries. Finnish parties preparing projects must contact one of the call's contact persons in Business Finland as early as possible and no later than March 3, 2025 to ensure smooth application processing.
Nordic Energy Research will organize a webinar about the call and its focus areas on 5 February 2025. More information about this event on the joint Nordic call website.