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Online 9.6.2022

Colorado & Finland Inviting Companies and Research Organizations to Kick off Green Economy Collaboration

The webinar is free charge, however, requires a registration via the link below.


Further information

Colorado & Finland Green Economy Collaboration:
(Finnish companies)
Ms. Jennifer Tarkiainen
Business Finland Silicon Valley
jennifer.tarkiainen (at)

(Finnish R&D)
Mr. Petri Koikkalainen
Finnish Embassy in Washington D.C.
petri.koikkalainen (at)

Finland and Colorado are launching a Green Economy collaboration and are inviting relevant companies and research organizations to participate in a joint webinar on the 9th of June from 18-20:00 EEST/9am-11am MDT. This kick-off will provide an overview on the collaboration, discussion around green opportunities in Finland and Colorado, and aims to create a working group involving companies and research organization from both sides. 

Finland and the state of Colorado signed a Memorandum of Understanding in Feb. 2022 for a partnership in advancing business, scientific research, and technology in their joint interest areas of: Green Economy, High-performance computing (incl. quantum technology), and Aerospace.

Related to the Green Economy, Finland and Colorado share similar ambitious goals in advancing zero-carbon solutions and a clean energy transition. Business Finland North America, the Embassy of Finland to the United States, and the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) are hosting this webinar to support business opportunities as well as research and innovation projects within the sectors of clean energy, zero-emission vehicles, atmospheric and weather research and technology, future fuels such as hydrogen, sustainable bioeconomy & forest management as well as climate resilience.

Finland offers world-class research infrastructure and tech solutions in emerging technologies and houses key European infrastructure and centers of excellence in atmospheric research and high-performance computing. Finnish companies are world-leaders in bio-based novel products, sustainable fuels, weather and sensor technologies among others. Besides housing numerous Fortune500 companies, Colorado is home to many globally leading research actors in this sector, such as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES).

If you are interested in learning more about this partnership and the opportunities it could bring to your company or research organization, join us for a virtual kickoff discussion.