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Online 5.10.2022

Info session on DUT Call 2022

Wednesday 5.10.2022


Please note that this registration is only for the Business Finland info session. The session is held in English via MS Teams.


You have to register separately for the international session. 

Further Information

Sini Uuttu
Business Finland
sini.uuttu (at)
+358 50 5577 934


Karin Wikman
Business Finland
karin.wikman (at)
+358 50 5577 723

Finland (Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of the Environment and Business Finland) participates in the European partnership Driving Urban Transition (DUT).

DUT is opening a call in themes related to 1) Positive Energy Districts (PED), 2) 15 Minute City and 3) Circular Urban Economies.
More information about the call

Please also explore the Matchmaking platform for the DUT Call 2022.

We are arranging an info session about DUT and the call on Wednesday 5.10.2022.


13:30-14:15 (EET). General aspects of the DUT Joint call 2022, organized by the international consortium. Please see the agenda and registration for this session (You need to register for the whole conference even if you only want to follow this session).

14:30-15:30 (EET) Information about the DUT partnership from Finland's point of view and Business Finland funding for Finnish participants