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Helsinki 4.10.2022

Networking event for Agetech companies and Group Explorer funding

At 12.00-17.00 Finnish time


Physical networking event at Business Finland's offices in Ruoholahti (Porkkalankatu 1).


This event is intended for Finnish Agetech companies.

More information

Kirsi Armanto
Chief Advisor, Health & Wellbeing
+358 50 396 2846
kirsi.armanto (at)

Join us on 4.10.2022 to learn more about Group Explorer funding and find partners for export activities!

During the event you will hear more about the Group Explorer funding for export activities. We will also present one example of an ongoing Group Explorer project.

The aim of the meeting is to offer you a platform to learn about other companies in the same field and ultimately to find partners to pursue common export activities on relevant markets.

After registering to the event you will receive a link to Business Finland's Agetech market reports as a preparation for the meeting.


12:00 Lunch
13:00 Welcome words
13:15 Presentation of participating companies
14:00 What is Group Explorer?
14:30 Group Explorer example case
15:00 Workshop: Topics for the Group Explorer: common interests, markets, synergies and partners
15:45 Next steps
16:00 Happy Hour and networking
17:00 End of the event