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Webinar 16.9.2022

Understanding the French diagnostics market

13:00–15:00 Finnish time


Webinar is intended for Finnish companies. Attendance is free of charge, however, requires a pre-registration via the link below.

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More information


Terhi Rasmussen
Global Opportunity Leader Health & Wellbeing
terhi.rasmussen (at)


Henriikka Yliheljo
Commercial Counsellor
Team Finland at Embassy of Finland
henriikka.yliheljo (at)

France is an important diagnostics market that has been further boosted by the Covid pandemic and demand for new technologies is increasing. The market is evolving, as the medical laboratory market is undergoing a strong concentration, there is a need for reduction of healthcare costs, and remote healthcare create new opportunities for innovative diagnostics technologies.

Join the webinar on Friday 16th September on the French diagnostics market to hear insights regarding its structure, players and current developments. The webinar is intended for Finnish diagnostics companies.


Welcome and introduction

Structure of the diagnostics market in France post-covid

  • IVD
  • Imaging
  • POC
  • Telehealth
  • Largest laboratory players in France


How to enter the French diagnosis market?

  • Market entry and channel management
  • Presentation of a couple of distributor models and potential partners