Join us to learn more about the German market and its decarbonizing needs. In this webinar you will hear about interesting market opportunities as well as upcoming Business Finland activities in the German market. The webinar is targeted for Finnish companies offering solutions to decarbonize industries.
The German government has announced several incentives to support the decarbonization of energy intensive industries. Industrial production represents more than a third of Germany’s economy and industries such as steel, basic metals, and chemical account for about 20 percent of all CO2 emissions in Germany.
Germany has already set targets and taken many steps in terms of emission reduction, but future decarbonization opportunities are generated by the current geopolitical context and the aims to reduce emissions. Furthermore, it is still to be seen which technologies will take the decarbonization forward in the German market.
13.00–13.05 Opening of the webinar by Marika Ollaranta, Head of Decarbonizing Industries RRF
13.05–13.15 "Why Germany" and introducing the business opportunity by Helmi-Nelli Körkkö, Senior Advisor
13.15–13.45 Decarbonization of the industry in Germany by Horvath & Partners
13.45–14.00 Q&A and next steps