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Webinar series 17.10.2023

Digitally supported wellbeing: United Kingdom

United Kingdom webinar:
Tue 17.10.2023
At 11:00–12:00 (Finnish time)


Place: Microsoft Teams webinar 


Further information

Meria Heikelä
Director, SMA, Europe
meria.heikela (at)


Anniina Wäyrynen
Program coordinator, RRF Health & Wellbeing
anniina.wayrynen (at)

This webinar series will introduce a report about the market and trends for digitally enabled wellbeing solutions in three target countries: Singapore, the United Kingdom and United States.

The Singapore and United States webinars are held on the 28th of September at 09:00 and 15:30, respectively. Please check the event page for further information on these webinars.

United Kingdom

Tuesday 17.10. at 11:00–12:00 (Finnish time)

More information about the UK market will be provided soon.

This webinar will introduce the Digitally Supported Wellbeing report about the United Kingdom. Time will also be reserved for your questions. 
