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Helsinki 21.11.2023

Kasvupäivä – Sustainable Growth Ecosystem and Collaboration

Time: 21.11.2023 at 15:00-18:00

Place: Scandic Hub, Annankatu 18, Helsinki

Kasvupäivä Website

More information


Mira Haapakangas
Communication Manager, Kasvuryhmä
mira.haapakangas (at)
+358 405 229 406


Kari Klossner
Head of Data Economy Program
kari.klossner (at)
+358 400 717 298

Welcome to Kasvupäivä, organized by Kasvuryhmä and its partners, and dive into the sustainable growth research, innovation and organization collaboration as well as international ecosystems! Data Economy has a significant role in this Kasvupäivä and thus Business Finland's Data Economy Program is a part of this event.

Be ready to provide your input to develop new business ideas and collaboration! Kasvupäivä gathers Finnish medium-sized companies' (1 million to 10 billion euros) chairmen, CEOs, owners and directors of significant growth projects. We invite the companies of this size to share their experience and to gain new ideas and courage to support their sustainable growth, innovation and internationalization. Kasvupäivä concept is a part of Kasvuryhmä's services, and Business Finland and other partners are involved in this event.

The goal of Kasvupäivä is to present concrete examples and models of how and in what kind of ecosystem pioneer companies are currently building sustainable business and growth. This event provides opportunities for networking and recognizing partners that are important for business:

  • Collaboration between companies
  • Collaboration between research and companies
  • International Collaboration

Kasvupäivä aims to speed up long-term growth and companies' competence and willingness towards integrating responsible practices to companies' strategy and core business practices to reach competitive advantage. We wish that all participants are ready to share their experience to others and leave the sales approach home for a day. Join us soon!

The event is held in Finnish.

Register and check the agenda and schedule from Kasvuryhmä's website (in Finnish).