Welcome to 6G Test Network Finland Workshop that focuses on sharing information about the latest 6GTNF project, key co-operating B5G and 6G R&D activity results and 5G/6GTNF test network utilization possibilities! Business Finland's 6G Bridge Program is also a part of this exciting day.
6GTNF project does research to support Beyond 5G and 6G development roadmap. Moreover, it aims to renew existing 5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF) ecosystem and infrastructure towards 6G era. Welcome to deepen your knowledge of these research subjects!
Remember to register to the event no later than 2 February 2024! The workshop is held in English and attending is free of charge.
09:00 Opening – 6GTNF and 6G Bridge Program
9.30 Presentations about 6G challenges and potential solutions for 6G Test Network Finland
11.10 Presentations about 6G R&D state of art
17:00 The event ends
Coffee break and lunch are included in the schedule.