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Espoo 9.2.2024

6G Test Network Finland (6GTNF) Workshop

Time: 9.2.2024 at 9:00–17:00 Finnish time

Place: Aalto University (A-grid), Otakaari 5 A, Espoo

Detailed Agenda and Registration Asset 11

More information


Kyösti Rautiola
Principal Scientist
kyosti.rautiola (at)


Jose Costa
Staff Scientist
jose.costa (at)


Pekka Rantala
Head of 6G Bridge Program
pekka.rantala (at)
+358 40 503 8808

Welcome to 6G Test Network Finland Workshop that focuses on sharing information about the latest 6GTNF project, key co-operating B5G and 6G R&D activity results and 5G/6GTNF test network utilization possibilities! Business Finland's 6G Bridge Program is also a part of this exciting day.

6GTNF project does research to support Beyond 5G and 6G development roadmap. Moreover, it aims to renew existing 5G Test Network Finland (5GTNF Asset 11 ) ecosystem and infrastructure towards 6G era. Welcome to deepen your knowledge of these research subjects!

Remember to register to the event no later than 2 February 2024! The workshop is held in English and attending is free of charge.

Preliminary Agenda

09:00 Opening – 6GTNF and 6G Bridge Program

9.30 Presentations about 6G challenges and potential solutions for 6G Test Network Finland

11.10 Presentations about 6G R&D state of art

17:00 The event ends

Coffee break and lunch are included in the schedule.