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Espoo 26.9.2024

6G Test Network Finland (6GTNF) workshop

Time: 26.09.2024 at 9:00–17:00

Place: Dipoli (auditorium Lumituuli), Otakaari 24, 02150 Espoo

Register to the event

Further information


Kyösti Rautiola, VTT
kyosti.rautiola (at)


Pekka Rantala, Business Finland
pekka.rantala (at)

Welcome to the 6GTNF Workshop, where we delve into the technology of 6G! Business Finland will be joining the exciting day as well.

6GTNF (6G Test Network Finland) project does research to support Beyond 5G and 6G development roadmap and design multisite 6G test network with related ecosystem. Please find more information about this network from 6GTNF's website.

The goal of this co-operation workshop is to share information about the latest 6GTNF project and key co-operating B5G and 6G R&D activity results and 5G/6GTNF test network utilization possibilities.

You can register to the event here. The registration is free of charge. See you at the event!


09:00–09:20 Opening and 6GTNF intro

  • Kyösti Rautiola, VTT

6G challenges and potential solutions for 6G Test Network Finland

09:20–09:40 Radio access

  • Ari Pouttu, Oulu University

09:40–10:00 Radio and core network

  • Jose Costa and Riku Jäntti, Aalto University

10.00–10.20 coffee & tea

10:20–10:40 Beyond 5G network security

  • Valtteri Niemi, University of Helsinki

10:40–11:00 5G/6G sensing and positioning

  • Mikko Valkama, Tampere University

6G R&D state of art:

11:00–11:20 6G Bridge Program status

  • Pekka Rantala, Business Finland

11:20–11:40 6G eXperimental Research infrastructure to enable next-generation XR services

  • Jarno Pinola/VTT, NN/OU, 6G-XR project

11:40–12:00 Non-cellular mesh-based radio access technology

  • Juho Pirskanen/Wirepas, Celtic USWA project

120:00–12.50 lunch break

12:50–13:10 Introduction to SoC HUB Tampere

  • Timo Hämäläinen, Tampere University

13:10–13:30 Co-operation with Japan B5G Consortium

  • Ari Pouttu, Oulu University

13:30–17:00 Demos and posters session: B5G and 6G technologies and solutions for verticals