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Helsinki 28.8.2024

How to use strategic foresight in business – Corporate foresight seminar

Time: 28.8.2024 at 8.30-11.00 AM

Place: Team Finland House, Porkkalankatu 1, meeting room Jalostamo

Further information


Head of Foresight
Soile Ollila
soile.ollila (at)



For years, the concept of strategic foresight has sparked discussions among industry leaders, yet many organizations struggle to fully harness its benefits.

VTT's Strategic Foresight for Sustainable Innovation and Growth project (STRA4) has been supporting the development and co-creation of foresight capabilities, practices, and tools to future-proof businesses. This knowledge is intended to be brought for the benefit of a wider audience through an online guidebook, that unlocks the major research-based insights on organizing foresight and best practices for corporations and decision-makers.

In this seminar you'll discover the practical applications of foresight through insights from the newly published guidebook and keynotes from organizations who have integrated foresight into their businesses. Join us to network with like-minded companies who approach similar questions to strategic foresight! You will have the chance to further connect with the newly established Corporate Foresight Network, an industry-led platform for collaborative foresight between foresight-driven businesses.

Seminar language is English and it's organized in a hybrid form.


  • 08:30-9:00 Morning coffee
  • 09:00-9:20 Publishing the guidebook for organizing corporate foresight! - Key insights for organizations
  • 09:20-10:50 Company keynotes on foresight practices and benefits
  • 10:50-11:00 Closing remarks – Corporate Foresight Network as a peer platform!