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Webinar 24.5.2024

NATO DIANA Challenge 2024 Info Session

Time: 24.5. at 9:00-10:30 (Finnish time)

Place: Microsoft Teams

More information


Markus Ranne
Senior Advisor, EU and International Collaboration
Business Finland
markus.ranne (at)


Sauli Eloranta
Vice President, Defence
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
sauli.eloranta (at)

Welcome to a virtual information session on the NATO DIANA Challenge 2024! Business Finland together with other partners are inviting you to find more about the upcoming challenge and how you can join in.

DIANA (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic) is an organization established by NATO to find and accelerate dual-use innovation capacity across the Alliance. DIANA organizes each year a challenge competition, which is a competitive call for proposals targeting this year five strategic focus areas, which will be published in the coming weeks. Emerging and disruptive technologies (EDTs) present both risks and opportunities for NATO and Allies, and DIANA is one of the initiatives setup to address this.

The winners of the challenge will be invited to join the DIANA Accelerator Program. If you are a Finnish start-up, which has an innovative solution addressing a critical dual-use (i.e. civilian and defence) challenge, please join us to learn how DIANA works, how you can get involved, and what kind of practical experiences GIM Robotics has from their participation in DIANA. And of course there will be an opportunity to ask questions during the event.

The event is organized jointly by Business Finland, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, FiBAN (Finnish Business Angels Network), Tesi (Finnish Industry Investment), Digital Defense Ecosystem and Define Finland.

Joining the webinar is free of charge, and it is held in English. Be quick and register!


9:00 Event starts

  • Opening words
    • Kirsi Kokko, Head of Digital Resilience, Business Finland
  • DIANA background: how it works, 2024 challenge competition, participation, schedule
    • Markus Ranne, Senior Advisor, Business Finland
  • DIANA network in Finland: plans and status
    • Sauli Eloranta, Vice President, Defence, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
  • DIANA experiences: acceleration program in practice, benefits for participants, how to draft a winning proposal
    • Tatu Lyytinen, Chief Operations Officer, GIM Robotics
  • Q&A

10:30 Event ends