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Webinar 8.10.2024

Nordic Chip Collaboration Launch Webinar

Time: Tuesday October 8, 2024, 09:00-10:00 CEST

Location: Online

Registration and program

Further information


Mailiina Turanlahti, Director, Head of Region Scandinavia
Business Finland
mailiina.turanlahti (at)

Heidi Uotinen, Advisor, Business Finland
heidi.uotinen (at)

Anna Välkky, Program Coordinator, Business Finland
anna.valkky (at)

The chip industry is experiencing significant growth and innovation and covers a wide range of activities, from materials and process technology to semiconductor and sensor design. Established in 2024, The Nordic Chip Collaboration initiative aims to enhance cooperation across the Nordics, strengthen the region's position in the global semiconductor market, and contribute to a greener, more sustainable industry.

Nordic Chip Collaboration is a formalized collaboration between Innovation Norway, Business Finland, and Business Sweden supported by Nordic Innovation. Join the launch webinar to learn more! Registration and program are available at Business Sweden's website.