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Warsaw, Poland 12.-15.11.2024

ReBuild Ukraine exhibition and conference

Register by 13 September 2024!


Further information

Reijo Kangas
Director, Go Global, Global Initiatives, Business Finland
+358 50 5577 892
reijo.kangas (at)

Jyrki Härkki
Senior Advisor, Global Initiatives, Business Finland
+358 40 343 3455
jyrki.harkki (at)

Annika Lipsanen-Brito
Project Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
+358 50 347 3470
annika.lipsanen-brito (at)

Despite the ongoing war, there are significant business opportunities in Ukraine for Finnish companies related to reconstruction. The EU and European financial institutions are providing €66.4 billion for financial, humanitarian, emergency, and budget support. The cost of reconstruction in Ukraine is estimated to reach €486 billion.

Decentralization reforms have empowered local municipalities, enabling more effective rebuilding efforts. International support in the form of financial aid and technical expertise has been crucial.

Public-private partnerships have driven key projects in housing, transportation, and healthcare, despite ongoing challenges. While the process is complex, the combined efforts of local authorities, international partners, and private sector stakeholders have laid a solid foundation for Ukraine's recovery. Continued cooperation will be essential for sustaining this momentum and achieving a resilient and prosperous future.

To better explore emerging opportunities, Business Finland invites Finnish companies to join the Finland pavilion at the ReBuild Ukraine exhibition and conference in Warsaw, Poland, on November 13–14, 2024. In addition, Business Finland will organize side events on November 12 and 15 (see preliminary program below for more details).

Preliminary program

Why attend?

Strategic Collaboration: The exhibition fosters cooperation between Finnish and Ukrainian industries and municipalities, leveraging Finland's expertise in sustainable development, technology, and infrastructure to aid Ukraine's rebuilding. 
Market Expansion: The "Rebuild Ukraine" exhibition offers access to a dynamic market with opportunities in construction, energy, technology, and public services. 
Networking Opportunities: Engage with key stakeholders, including government officials, industry leaders, international financing institutions and potential partners, facilitating idea exchange and business connections. 
Contributing to a Greater Cause: Finnish businesses can play a vital role in Ukraine's recovery, driving business growth and contributing to regional stability and prosperity.

Who should attend?

  1. Construction and Infrastructure Companies (e.g. technology providers, engineering companies, construction waste management companies, etc,) 
  2. Energy and Utilities Firms (Renewable energy technology providers, energy efficiency solution providers)
  3. Water and waste management companies
  4. Cities and Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) 
  5. Companies offering solutions for humanitarian demining (non-technical and technical survey solutions, mine clearance equipment) 
  6. Healthcare Infrastructure Solution Providers.
  7. Environmental and Sustainability Firms 
  8. Educational and Training Institutions:
  9. Urban Planning and Development Firms
  10. Civil defense shelters
  11. Other representatives of the public and private sectors that have experience in fostering local economic development through collaboration with International Financial Institution (IFI), UN, EU and other development funding. 
We invite you to join the Finland Pavilion and take advantage of this unique opportunity to gain insights into current developments, build meaningful networks, and showcase your products, services, and expertise to a diverse and influential audience. Please see below for the details of the participation packages offered.

Participation packages

Three different participation packages offer visibility at the Finland Pavilion
at the ReBuild Ukraine in November 2024:

Package 1

Package includes:

  • Opportunity to represent your organization at the Finland Pavilion at the ReBuild Ukraine Exhibition and at the networking reception hosted by Business Finland
  • Dedicated desk with a LED screen for exclusive company use
  • Participation of two company representatives (two badges)
  • Opportunity to have extra visitor tickets (exact number of tickets to be confirmed once the delegation has been complied)
  • Company logo to be displayed at the Finland Pavilion logo wall with priority in logo placement
  • Two-page company introduction, including product pictures, in the Finland delegation brochure (both printed and digital versions)
  • One extended or two short company videos showcasing your products/services, to be repeatedly shown on the pavilion LED screens
  • Access to a photo folder with event photographs taken by a photographer at the pavilion
  • Priority in media promotion
  • Opportunity to suggest invitees for the networking reception organized by Business Finland in Warsaw on November 12
  • Inclusion of company information in the exhibition catalogue produced by the exhibition organizers.

Fee: 8 000 € (+ 25.5% VAT)
8 packages available (first come, first served)

Package 2

Package includes:

  • Opportunity to represent your organization at the Finland Pavilion at the ReBuild Ukraine Exhibition and at the networking reception hosted by Business Finland
  • Participation of one company representative (one badge)
  • Opportunity to have extra visitor ticket(s) (exact number of tickets to be confirmed once the delegation has been complied)
  • Company logo to be displayed at the Finland Pavilion logo wall
  • One-page company introduction, including one product picture, in the Finland delegation brochure (both printed and digital versions)
  • One short company video showcasing your products/services, to be repeatedly shown on the pavilion LED screens
  • Access to a photo folder with event photographs taken by a photographer at the pavilion
  • Opportunity to suggest invitees for the networking reception organized by Business Finland in Warsaw on November 12
  • Inclusion of company information in the exhibition catalogue produced by the exhibition organizers.

Fee: 3 000 € (+ 25.5% VAT)
Unlimited number of packages available

Package 3 - Team Finland Network Organizations

Package includes:
  • Opportunity to represent your organization at the Finland Pavilion at the ReBuild Ukraine Exhibition and at the networking reception hosted by Business Finland
  • Participation of one organization representative (one badge)
  • Access to a photo folder with event photographs taken by a photographer at the pavilion
  • Opportunity to suggest invitees for the networking reception organized by Business Finland in Warsaw on November 12
  • Inclusion of company information in the exhibition catalogue produced by the exhibition organizers.

Fee: 1 500 € (+ 25.5% VAT)


The participation package fee is invoiced in two installments: the first installment will be invoiced prior to the event, after the delegation has been compiled, and the second installment will be invoiced after the exhibition, based on the actual costs. The total invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above.

Kindly note that the participation packages do not include flights, accommodation, meals, or local ground transportation for the participant.