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Helsinki 24.4.2024

Roundtable discussions for Circularizing Industrial Material Flow program

Where: Team Finland House, Porkkalankatu 1, Helsinki

When: 24 April 2024 at 11:30–15:30

Please note that registration for the event closes at 4 PM on 22 April.


Further information


Tuomas Lehtinen
tuomas.lehtinen (at)



Venni Metsäranta
venni.metsaranta (at)

A new Business Finland program, Circularizing Industrial Material Flow, is under preparation, and your insight is needed!

Circularizing Industrial Material Flow in Finland refers to the movement of materials through the economy that aims to maximize their value and usage while minimizing waste and environmental impact. This approach is part of the broader circular economy concept, which Finland aims to adopt across various sectors. Circular industry material flows connect the rethinking and redesigning of the way the resources are used, creating a closed-loop system where waste is designed out, and resources are reused or recycled to the greatest extent possible.

Circularizing Industrial Material Flow Program

The Circularizing Industrial Material Flow program is part of the implementation of the Circular Transition of Zero Waste mission, in which we are aiming at making our future with less waste. The preparation of program has been launched to address the circular economy challenges and to help the Finnish companies to utilize the opportunity to the fullest!

Now we in Business Finland would like to hear how you see the challenges and opportunities, and how we could collaborate with you to achieve the best results for Finland!


11:30–12:00 Registration and small lunch
12:00–12:10 Welcoming words and presenting the agenda
12:10–12:30 Greetings from the Zero Waste mission, Outi Suomi, Business Finland
12:30–12:45 Introduction to the Circularizing Industrial Material Flow, Tuomas Lehtinen, Business Finland
12:45–13:45 Roundtable discussions, round 1
13:45–14:00 Coffee break
14:00–15:00 Roundtable discussions, round 2
15:00–15:30 Wrap-up and final words
15:30 The event ends