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Webinar 30.10.2024

Trends and opportunities for Finnish companies in the Dutch health tech market

Time: October 30th, 2024 at 14:00-15:00 (Finnish time)

Place: Microsoft Teams Webinar


Further information

Aino Suvanto
Advisor, Trade & Economic Affairs
Embassy of Finland in the Netherlands
aino.suvanto (at)

Terhi Rasmussen
Global Opportunity Leader Health, Business Finland
terhi.rasmussen (at)

Jeni Särmäkari
Program Coordinator
jeni.sarmakari (at)

Business Finland together with SkipRed is organising webinar on trends and opportunities in the Dutch health tech market for Finnish companies.

The Netherlands, with 18 million inhabitants, is a compact, culturally close market, 3,5 times the size of Finland. Reforming and digitalizing one of the costliest health care systems in Europe is a top priority for the Dutch government. Savings are being sought particularly in hospital care that accounts for 37,5% of total healthcare expenditure, but also in long-term care of the ageing populations. As the Dutch government provides funding for local healthcare providers to implement health technology, there are great opportunities for Finnish Health tech providers. Read more about the opportunity.

Why the Netherlands?

  • Estimated market medical tech market size 4,93 billion euro (2023)
  • Investment in health tech innovation 400 million euro (public and private), new subsidy available of over 100 million Euro for just health tech
  • 7 university hospitals, 27 top-clinical hospitals and 44 general hospitals in 86 locations.
  • Over 400 specialized clinics


  • The Netherlands health tech outlook, a synopsis of the market report on the Netherlands (01/2024)
  • Market size
  • Key market drivers
  • Opportunities for Finnish companies
  • Route to market, access to market
  • Q&A

Who should attend?

Finland based companies specializing in:

  • Remote monitoring
  • Assistive and age-tech solutions
  • AI & machine learning
  • Enhanced surgery and robotic surgery
  • 3-D printing
  • PoC diagnostics
  • Clinical data analytics
  • Patient monitoring
  • mHealth
  • Mental health solutions