Business Finland and its partners invite you to join us and dive into the field of 5G/6G technology to learn about the perspectives of industry, teleoperators, and research.
In this event, we will have a short history recap and insights what will happen in the future. Moreover, we will explore various use cases from industry verticals. There will also be a unique opportunity to share ideas how to monetize 5G/6G.
Moreover, we will familiarize ourselves with the results and projects of Finnish and European Union research. Introduction of Business Finland's Digital Native Finland mission will also help us to understand Finnish strategic directions related to digital transformation.
This event will be held in English and joining is free of charge. See you at the event!
8:30-9:00 Registration and coffee
9:00-11:30 Welcome, keynotes and 6G Bridge Program
- Welcoming words
- Pekka Rantala, Head of 6G Bridge Program, Business Finland
- Keynote: Unlocking the future with 6G
- Andreas Müller, Project Director 6G, Bosch
- What did we learn from 5G so far?
- Harri Holma, Fellow, Nokia
Networking break
- What will happen in the future?
- Mikko Uusitalo, Head of Research Department, Nokia Bell Labs
- 6G POWER – How to offer 10 times the data traffic with half the energy?
- Ilkka Känsälä, Research Team Leader, Nokia
- Business Finland's Digital Native Finland Mission as a part of FutureG
- Janne Järvinen, Mission Lead, Digital Native Finland Mission, Business Finland
- 6G Bridge Portfolio Snapshot
- Pekka Rantala, Head of 6G Bridge Program, Business Finland
- Otto Vainio, EU Funding Advisor, Business Finland
11:30-13:00 Networking lunch
13:00-16:30 Use cases explained and role of operators as part of the future and monetization opportunities
- Future Business Models for 6G
- Petri Ahokangas, Professor, Future Digital Business, University of Oulu
- Deterministic Networks: 5G and Digital Twins Revolutionizing Industry 4.0
- Norshahida Saba, Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University
- Resilient 5G/6G Systems: Dual-Use Perspectives Enhanced Security and Defense
- Risto Jurva, Head of Research, University of Oulu
- Generative AI for Immersive Media and Digital Twins: A UAV Command and Control Use Case
- Nassim Sehad, Doctoral Researcher, Aalto University
Networking break
- 6G Test Network Finland support to development of verticals
- Kyösti Rautiola, Principal Scientist and 6GTNF Ecosystem Coordinator, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
- 5G/6G networks for vertical industries
- Heidi Himmanen, Chief Specialist, Traficom
- Study: Private networks in Finland
- Possibilities for local networks and evolving use cases (eg. Industry, Health)
- Wide area networks and evolving opportunities (eg. Transport, network slicing in commercial networks)
- Global networks (eg. Logistics, satellite convergence & 6G ubiquitous connectivity)
- Moving networks – a challenge for spectrum management
- Perspectives on monetizing 5G/6G future networks and services
- Håkon Lønsethagen, Senior Research Scientist, Telenor
- Panel discussion
- Moderator: Mikko Uusitalo, Head of a Research Department, Nokia Bell Labs
- Håkon Lønsethagen, Senior Research Scientist, Telenor
- Kari Junttila, Development Manager, Erillisverkot
- N.N., TBC
16:30-17:00 Event concludes
Please note that the agenda is subject to change.