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Vienna 15.3.2022

Team Finland meeting with the IAEA

Attending this meeting is free of charge but requires a registration through the link below at the latest on 28 February, 2022.


Further information

Ms. Sanna Sipilä-Axnix, Advisor, Business Finland Austria
Mobile: +43 664 9693 213
sanna.sipila-axnix (at)

Team Finland is looking into possibilities for closer cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

Mr. Ville Skinnari, Minister for Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade will attend a meeting with the IAEA in Vienna on 15 March, 2022 at 15:00 - 16:30 (CET). Finnish companies interested in cooperation with the IAEA are welcome to join this meeting. The meeting is led by Ms. Najat Mokhtar, Deputy Director General and Head of the Department of Nuclear Sciences and Applications, IAEA.

The 1,5h long meeting with take place in Vienna, Austria.

IAEA offers opportunities for Finnish companies in nuclear technology and applications in following fields:

Addressing environmental issues
Food and agriculture
Nuclear science

Before the visit you can go through the Developing Markets Platform at Business Finland an get an individual sparring session on how to do business with the United Nations. During this session you will get advice on how to pitch to UN agencies and how to build your own pathway to this market. If interested, please contact marjukka.holopainen-rainio (at)

IAEA is the world's central intergovernmental forum for scientific and technical co-operation in the nuclear field. It works for the safe, secure and peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology, contributing to international peace and security and the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Finland is a member in the next board of governors of IAEA for the period of September 2021 – September 2024.