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Online 18.9.2023

China Packaging Market Briefing and Intro on IPIF 2023 – Finland Brand Day

Date: Monday 18 September, 2023 at 10:00-11:00 (EEST) // 15:00-16:00 (CST)

Venue: Teams

Register by 17 September

Further Information 

Ms. Anna Ni

Senior Advisor, Business Finland China (at)



Ms. Daphne Wang

Project Manager, Business Finland (at)

Business Finland China will be one of the supporters for 2023 International Packaging Innovation Forum in Shanghai China on 13-14 October and will launch the “IPIF-Finland Brand Day” on the forum to promote the sustainability and innovation R&D of Finnish packaging industry.

We would like to invite Finnish sustainable packaging suppliers to join a one-week travel 10-15 October in Shanghai which including 2-day IPIF and 1.5-day industry excursion cooperated with IPIF.

Part of the cooperation contents

  1. Consul General of Finland in Shanghai will deliver a welcome speech on the forum
  2. CEO of The Finnish Packaging Association will give a keynote speech on the forum
  3. Commercial Counsellor of Embassy of Finland in Beijing, Greater China Country Director of Business Finland will launch the Chinese version of Innovative and Sustainable Packaging Solutions from Finland
  4. Match-making opportunity
  5. 1.5-day Industry visit. IPIF will arrange 3 well-known local enterprises to visit incl. converter and brand owner.

We’ll brief the China packaging market, and give an introduction on IPIF, IPIF-Finland Brand Day and one-week Shanghai travel plan on the webinar.

Webinar Agenda

  • China Packaging Market Briefing
  • IPIF-Finland Brand Day Introduction
  • One-week Shanghai Travel Plan for Finnish packaging companies (10-15 Oct 2023)
  • Q&A

Who should participate

The Finnish packaging companies which are interested in China market and would like to know more. The Finnish brand owners which are interested in the sustainable packaging.

If you’re not available for the webinar but interested in learning more, please contact Anna Ni, (at)