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Israel 4.-7.9.2023

Finnish Healthtech delegation visit to Israel

Register for the visit no later than 8 August 2023!


Further Information

Mr. Sami Jääskeläinen, Counsellor, Trade and Investment
Embassy of Finland in Israel
sami.jaaskelainen (at)
Cellular: +972 54 986 5521

Ms. Lotta Eiroma, Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
lotta.eiroma (at)

Cellular: +358 40 716 2628

Israel is home to a vibrant and flourishing HealthTech sector, with roughly 1600 innovative companies, as well as technology hubs, R&D centers of multinational corporations, and a range of government support programs. Israeli healthcare providers have been accumulating medical data for the last 25 years, making Israel an ideal validation site for companies developing data-driven solutions.

The Team Finland network will organize a HealthTech trade mission to Israel in September 2023.
The objectives of this trade mission are to meet leading public and private hospitals such as Clalit Innovation, Assuta Hospital, ARC / Sheba Medical Center and Hadassah Medical Center as well as to find validation, pilot, testbed and business opportunities for Finnish companies. 

Preliminary agenda

Who should attend?

The visit is tailored for Finnish HealthTech and Digital Health companies providing solutions mainly, but not limited to, in following fields: 

  • Predictive and prevention analysis
  • Diagnostics 
  • Health data integration
  • Imaging
  • Decision support
  • Clinical workflow
  • Medical devices
  • In general, AI/ML and data driven digital healthcare solutions

We also have limited slots for Finnish HealthTech ecosystem representatives. 

Participation fee 

To cover the expenses of arranging the program in Israel, Business Finland will charge a participation fee of:

  • Major companies: EUR 1150 + 24% VAT per person
  • SME's and Micro businesses: EUR 980 + 24% VAT per person

Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights, accommodation, meals and transportation outside the business delegation program.

To find out more about the upcoming visit, check the info webinar recording with hospital representatives.