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Online 4.10.2023

Smart transportation in Indonesia and New Capital

Date: Wednesday 4 October, 2023 at 9:00-10:30 (EEST)


Venue: Teams

Register by 3 October

Further Information 

Ms. Nina Jacoby

Senior Advisor, Business Finland Indonesia

nina.jacoby (at)



Ms. Daphne Wang

Project Manager, Business Finland (at)

Business Finland in cooperation with ITS Finland, SCIC and Sustainable Transport Sector Growth Program are delighted to invite you to our webinar 4 October, 2023 to hear more about the opportunities in smart transportation in Indonesia. The webinar will give you a very good insight to smart transportation business opportunities in Indonesia’s new capital Nusantara and Smart transportation development project of Solo city in Jawa.

We will open up the domains of smart transportation that are gaining interest in Indonesia.You will also learn the project that Business Finland is having to boost the Finnish know how towards the new capital development.

Opportunities for Finnish smart city expertise – Indonesia is building a new capital from scratch

A world-class smart city is rising on the island of Borneo, Indonesia. Named Nusantara the new capital has been envisioned as an inclusive, green, and sustainable city for everyone. The project offers opportunities for Finnish companies to construct basic infrastructures and digitize services.

The city aims for zero emissions by using 100 percent renewable energy, investing in energy efficiency and recycling, electrifying traffic entirely, and favouring public transport. Nusantara has also set as a goal that citizens have access to public services, public transportation, and green areas in ten minutes – a "ten-minute city."

Nusantara authority has named Intelligent Transportation System as one of the main subdomains in the Smart city. Different features of the system are for example: traffic and parking system, incident management, autonomous driving, commercial vehicle operation.

The Head of the Nusantara Capital Authority (IKN), Bambang Susantono, says smart solutions, digitalization, and the latest technologies are utilized in the city planning and implementation. However, Susantono emphasized in his meeting with Finnish companies that the technology must serve people.

"Building a new city is more than just building its physical features. It is planning in a way that promotes social cohesion. I want my citizens to be happy," he said and referred to Finland as the world's happiest nation.

Preliminary agenda 

  • 09:00 Opening of the webinar by Nina Jacoby, Senior Advisor, Business Finland
  • 09:05 Greetings from ITS Finland, Marko Forsblom, CEO ITS Finland
  • 09:15 Greetings from ITS Indonesia Dr. Ir. Resdiansyah, Vice President of ITS Indonesia
  • 09:20 Smart Transportation in Indonesia -full of opportunities. Observations by Prof. Pekka Leviäkangas, University of Oulu
  • 09:30 Transport sector development in Indonesia – ITS Indonesia
  • 09:45 Nusantara New capital and its smart transportation goals – Tonny Setiono- Director of Digital Ecosystem development
  • 10.05 Q&A
  • 10:15 End of webinar


This webinar is organized together with ITS Finland, SCIC and Sustainable Transport Sector Growth Program.