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Paraguay 18.-21.9.2023

Team Finland visit to Paraguay

Register for the visit no later than 21 June 2023!


Further information

Mr. Matti Landin
Trade Commissioner, Business Finland
matti.landin (at)
+55 12 3942 1133

Juha Karisola
Commercial Counselor, Embassy of Finland in Buenos Aires
juha.karisola (at)
+54 911 2512 4555

Marcelo Guimaraes
Senior Advisor, International Business Innovation - IBI
Business Finland Latin America
marcelo.guimaraes (at)
​​​​​​​+55 (11) 98117-3780

Ms. Lotta Eiroma
Manager, Delegations, Business Finland
lotta.eiroma (at)

Paracel and Team Finland invites Finnish companies to visit Paracel’s eucalyptus plantations in Paraguay, to meet Paracel Forestry management team and to propose technologies to Paracel and it’s leading Contractors to improve productivity. There is also the possibility to meet potential representative candidates. The Immersion dates are Mon 18 - Thu 21, September 2023.

Paracel is a world class green field pulp mill project designed for a capacity of 1.8 million tons of bleached eucalyptus Kraft cellulose per year, in the region of Concepción, Paraguay. The pulp mill will be supplied by internal eucalyptus plantations and local producers. Today it has more than 180,000 hectares of land, of which almost 100% of the hectares are suitable for plantation. These plantations will produce timber with a growth rate of 35 to 45 m3 per hectare per year and a six-year rotation.

During the visit, you will learn more about Paracel Forestry plan, focus areas of solutions needed, local conditions of plantation forestry and other requirements. Most timely needs are in silviculture (soil preparation, planting, fertilizing, irrigation) remote inventory, planning and wood logistics. Later also fire prevention and harvesting and other Smart Forestry solutions are needed.

Preliminary program

Participation fee

To cover the costs of organizing the visit, Business Finland will charge a maximum participation fee as follows:

  • SME’s 1100 EUR + 24% VAT per person
  • Major companies 1300 EUR + 24% VAT per person

The participation fee does not include flights, accommodation nor meals outside the delegation program.