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Helsinki 27.2.2024

How to access the market of 900 000 apartments in Sweden?

Date: Tuesday 27 February, 2024 at 14:00-17:00 (EET)

Venue: Team Finland House, Porkkalankatu 1 00180 Helsinki


This seminar is free of charge but requires registration via the link below.

Register by 20 February

Further Information 

Ms. Anna Öberg

Senior Advisor, Business Finland

anna.oberg (at)



Ms. Daphne Wang

Project Manager, Business Finland (at)

Business Finland together with the Swedish public purchasing organisation HBV welcomes Finnish companies with innovative solutions to a seminar on business opportunities in Sweden.

HBV is the purchasing function of Public Housing Sweden. HBV conduct coordinated procurements of goods and services related to construction, renovation, and maintenance of properties for their member companies.

Public housing owners in Sweden are now looking for innovative and sustainable solutions to reach the agenda 2030 targets. Products, systems, or services that help to achieve social, environmental, and ecological sustainability are of high interest.

Desired products, services and systems may include solutions for:

  • Circularity
  • Day water
  • Energy efficiency
  • CO² reductions
  • Shared services

Digitalization and AI could be your key enablers.


  • 14:00 – 14:15 Welcome, decarbonized built environment – opportunities in Sweden, Anna Öberg, Senior Advisor Business Finland in Sweden
  • 14:15 – 15:00 How to access the market of 900 000 apartments in Sweden? Ville Gruner, HBV
  • 15:00 – 15:30 Break and networking
  • 15:30 – 16:00 The future of sustainable housing in Umeå, Johanne Lindgren, Sustainability Manager, Bostaden Umeå.
  • 16:00 – 16:30 Group discussions and panel discussions, Ville Gruner, Johanne Lindgren & Ronny Rantamäki, Helsinki city
  • 16:30 – 17:00 Mingle and networking.

Are you representing a Finnish company with an innovative solution addressing these challenges? Then this is the right event for you.

Sign up to learn about the challenges and needs of Swedish public housing companies. Get an insight on how to access the market of 900,000 apartments in Sweden. Discuss challenges and opportunities together with industry peers. Meet with representatives from HBV and one of their member companies Umeå Bostaden.

This seminar is part of the Low Carbon Built Environment program.