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Melbourne, Australia 25.-27.3.2025

Team Finland visit to Australia

Register by 13 February, 2025!


Further information

Mr. Aku Valta
Senior Advisor
Business Finland Australia
aku.valta (at)

Ms. Kirsi Kokko
Head of Defense and Digital Resilience Program
kirsi.kokko (at)

Ms. Annika Lipsanen-Brito
Manager, Delegations
annika.lipsanen-brito (at)

The Team Finland network is inviting Finnish companies to join a Team Finland visit to Melbourne, Australia on 25 - 27 March 2025. The delegation is led by Ambassador of Finland to Australia, Mr. Arto Haapea. The upcoming visit aims to provide participants with an opportunity to expand their defence industry market presence and understanding. 

The visit focus will be on the Avalon aviation & space conference in Geelong, west of Melbourne with some activities in Melbourne CBD.  Avalon is Southern Hemisphere's largest airshow, aerospace and defence exposition.  

The target is to create business relationships with local partners and decision-makers and explore effective market-entry strategies especially for aviation and aerospace related companies.

Market opportunity

Australia is undergoing a generational uplift in defence capabilities, guided by the 2024 National Defence Strategy and Integrated Investment Program.

The modernization of all branches will provide opportunities to Finnish defence industry companies.

The Australian Government has announced that the annual defence spending will be almost doubled €30BN by 2034. Additional investments worth €3BN have already been announced for the next four years.

Preliminary program

Who should attend?

This visit is highly relevant for Finnish aviation or aerospace related defence companies who want to pursue new business opportunities in Australia as well as to those Finnish companies that have already established their presence in the country.

Participation fee

To cover the expenses of arranging the program in Australia, Business Finland will charge participation fees of: 

  • Major companies: 3100 EUR + VAT per person
  • SMEs and Micro businesses: 2650 EUR + VAT per person

Participation fee will include ticket to the Southern Space Conference on March 25. 
Business Finland will invoice the participation fee after the visit based on the actual costs. The invoiced fee will not exceed the amounts mentioned above. 

Kindly note that the participation fee does not include flights or accommodation of the delegate nor meals outside the delegation program.