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News 21.06.2022

Funding calls: Challenge Competition for leading companies and a call for ideas for 6G Bridge and Decarbonized Cities programs and the Quantum Computing campaign

Business Finland launched a new challenge competition round for leading companies on June 16th. This time, the competition is also open for challenger companies. A call for ideas is opened for the 6G Bridge and Decarbonized Cities programs that are currently being prepared, and for the Quantum Computing campaign.

Challenge competition: Leading and challenger companies

The challenge competition is aimed at leading companies operating globally that are able to increase research, development and innovation (RDI) in Finland very significantly. Business Finland can provide funding of up to EUR 20 million for a leading company and up to EUR 50 million for an ecosystem assembled by a leading company.

Challenger companies can also participate in the challenge competition this year. Challenger companies strengthen the global role of an international business group through Finland or aim to grow into a global player, are solving a smaller or more focused challenge or develop new business. The funding of Business Finland can be up to EUR 10 million for a challenger company and up to EUR 20 million for an ecosystem assembled by a challenger company.

The deadline for first-round proposals is Wednesday, September 14, 2022 at 23:59 p.m.

Read more about the challenge competition

Call for ideas: 6G Bridge and Decarbonized Cities programs and the Quantum Computing campaign

The Decarbonized Cities program aims to increase, strengthen and promote the offering of Finnish cross-sectoral solutions to urban carbon neutrality challenges, especially in the energy/construction sector and in the transport/mobility sector.

The 6G Bridge program aims to deepen and broaden Finland's leading position as a developer of mobile network technology portfolios, and to pilot and apply technologies to solve societal challenges and increase the export capabilities of Finnish companies.

The Quantum Computing campaign accelerates the growth and internationalization of the Finnish quantum ecosystem, in particular by supporting the development and deployment of the necessary software stack, as well as company experiments and demonstrations to solve significant problems through quantum computing.

In order to identify ideas and Finnish expertise, Business Finland is launched a call for ideas, which will, exceptionally, also grant funding to research projects. A total of EUR 25–30 million per program has been allocated for the call for ideas and EUR 8 million for the campaign.

The deadline for applications is Thursday, August 25, 2022.

Read more about the call fir ideas