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News 01.02.2023

Transform the world with an innovation that goes beyond the surface – Deep Tech Accelerator funding accelerates the launch and development of international business

Deep Tech Accelerator (DTA) funding promotes the utilization of research results in the business of start-ups and accelerates their market entry more efficiently.

Ambitious, frontier-breaking research and innovations are constantly expanding our understanding of what is even possible. Deep tech start-ups tend to have a much longer and riskier commercialization phase than other companies.

DTA funding starts with a pilot funding call

The funding package consists of two periods with a EUR 400,000 grant and a EUR 1,000,000 loan. The first period is estimated to last between 12 and 18 months and the second period up to 24 months. Business Finland’s contribution covers 75% of the total budget.

In this pilot funding call, the company only applies for funding for the first period. The company must also provide a preliminary description of the content and objectives of the second period in the project plan for the application, which indicate that the company is seriously planning the implementation of the entire project.

During the funding pilot, Business Finland analyzes whether DTA funding fulfils the objectives set for it and decides on the continuation of the funding on the basis of the results.

A maximum of ten promising deep tech companies that meet the criteria and represent a sufficient number of different industries will be selected for the pilot funding call

Do you have a start-up that

  • is less than five years old and is already running.
  • has been established to commercialize the latest research results and know-how.
  • creates value and competitiveness based on intellectual property rights.
  • is at an early stage of product development and carries a high risk of technology and market entry.
  • aims at high social impact and seeks to solve major global problems.

For which purpose can funding be applied for?

The aim of the funding is to accelerate the market entry of deep tech start-ups.
Key tasks to be funded include:

  • Increasing market and customer understanding and adapting the solution to these needs.
  • Measures to strengthen the team.
  • Solution and company related tasks to achieve marketability.
  • Systematic utilization of intellectual property rights
  • Financial planning and acquisition.

Please note

  • DTA funding cannot be used for product development, which should be done in separate product development projects.
  • If the company is already covered by Young Innovative Company or Growth Engine start-up funding, DTA funding cannot be granted.

How to apply for funding and application schedule  

Before submitting a funding application, please contact our deep tech specialist or your account lead. 

The funding call will open on February 1, 2023, and applications must be submitted through Business Finland’s online service by 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2023. Funding decisions will be made during spring 2023. 

More information on the call and funding criteria (coming soon)