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Visit Finland Climate Action Plan 2023

We at Visit Finland commit to sustainable travel development to secure the long-term viability of the entire industry. Our strategy steers us towards an inclusive, competent industry and a holistically sustainable travel destination, which is carbon neutral by 2035. This first Climate Action Plan (CAP) is part of our commitment. The CAP will be an annual publication, reporting our progress, and as it matures, it will provide tourism businesses, tourism destinations and Visit Finland with a pathway to systematically reduce emissions caused by the tourism industry - our roadmap to decarbonise the tourism sector. This roadmap will also help us cherish natural environments and seek ways to use nature-based solutions to regenerate nature and our connections with it, and to increase our positive impact – our climate handprint. 

Julkaisu ei välttämättä ole saavutettava. Jos tarvitset julkaisusta saavutettavan version, niin otathan yhteyttä Business Finlandiin verkkosivujemme kautta.
Englanti - pdf (8,86 MB)
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Viimeksi päivitetty 23.11.2023