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China – A Market Review Based on the Visit Finland Visitor Surveys 2016–2018

The purpose of the review is to examine the Chinese visits to Finland and highlight the possible distinctive features of Chinese visitors compared to other departure countries. The main emphasis is put on the Chinese holidaymakers in Finland.

This review is based on the Visit Finland Visitor Surveys 2016–2018. The main part of the results presented in this review are derived from the survey of 2018. These surveys were conducted at the ports of Helsinki and Turku, at the airports of Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, Rovaniemi and Kittilä, as well as at the eastern border at Vaalimaa, Nuijamaa, Vainikkala, Imatra and Niirala.

Julkaisu ei välttämättä ole saavutettava. Jos tarvitset julkaisusta saavutettavan version, niin otathan yhteyttä Business Finlandiin verkkosivujemme kautta.
Englanti - pdf (1,83 MB)
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Viimeksi päivitetty 20.8.2019