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Insight on the US tourism market for the Nordic destinations 2020

The Nordic Marketing Group has commissioned the Institute for Tourism Research in Northern Europe (NIT) to compile a report about the US travel market based on available insights that are relevant for the eight Nordic destinations Åland Islands, Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. By desk research, around 50 different reports and data sources were accessed, reviewed and their insights considered in this document. They were either provided by the eight Nordic DMOs (compiled and provided by Visit Greenland) or directly accessed by NIT.

Julkaisu ei välttämättä ole saavutettava. Jos tarvitset julkaisusta saavutettavan version, niin otathan yhteyttä Business Finlandiin verkkosivujemme kautta.
Englanti - pdf (6,44 MB)
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Viimeksi päivitetty 15.5.2020