Funding for a Co-Innovation joint project can be applied for continuously.
Preparing and submitting a funding application
The funding applications are made in Business Finland's online service.
As of 18.3.2025, in a Co-Innovation joint project the application template for the Co-Innovation company participant can only be created by a responsible person of the company registered in the Trade Register who has the right to represent the company alone, or a person who has been granted a authorization. Go to the e-Authorizations page, where you can give or request authorization for "Applying for corporate financing". Read more
The coordinator fills out the main Co-Innovation application form, and all the participants applying for funding fill out the Co-Innovation participant application form. Please also read the instructions on how to fill in the application form.
1) The coordinator submits the main application
To launch a joint project, the coordinator first fills out the main application, which summarizes the Co-Innovation project. The coordinator is the organization that has assembled the project's participants. The coordinator indicates the number of participants in the application and sets a deadline for the completion of the participant applications. The coordinator also provides the participants with the joint action ID, which the participants use to associate themselves with the project. The coordinator can monitor the status of the participants' applications in the main application.
If the coordinator applies for funding for a research or R&D project of its own, it must also complete the participant application form. Coordinating itself is not funded as an R&D project. The participants share the coordinating costs with one another if, in addition to the participants' own project management, they want to involve an external coordinator or other jointly utilized services in the joint project, for example.
The joint project plan (see Appendix 1) is attached to the main Co-Innovation application.
2) The participants in a joint project submit their own applications
Each participant applying for funding for its own sub-project in a joint project submits their own participant application and attaches the joint action ID provided by the coordinator to the application. In this way, the participants join the joint project and the parties filling out the participation application can see the deadline for submitting the application.
Companies also submit their own detailed project plan as an appendix to their application.
In general, the plans of the research participants are only described as a part of the joint project plan.
The participants of a joint project cannot see the content of each other's funding applications or funding decisions.
Companies and other organizations participating in the joint project with in-kind contributions (e.g., research financing) submit their notification of participation in a separate attachment without completing their own funding application (see Appendix 3). The forms are attached to the application of the associated organization such as a research organization. The funding applications submitted by the parties applying for funding serve as notifications of participation. Therefore, the parties applying for funding do not need to submit any other notification of participation.
3) The coordinator submits the application package to Business Finland
The coordinator may submit the application package to Business Finland immediately after the deadline or when all the applications have been completed. All applications associated with the main application are then transferred to Business Finland for processing simultaneously. The allocation of costs to the projects of the companies and research institutes involved in the project can begin, at the earliest, when the coordinator has sent the application package to Business Finland and Business Finland has all the information necessary for evaluating the project. The main application must not be submitted to Business Finland if it has no participant applications associated with it.
After the applications have been submitted for the first time, it is still possible to supplement both the main application and the participant applications on request and attach documents to the participant applications. Business Finland may request the parties to supplement the applications. The request for supplementation is sent by email to the person in charge of the application, and the content of the request for supplementation appears on each page of the application. The supplement is made by using the application form, which is finally submitted back to Business Finland.
New participants may join in the Co-Innovation project after the first submission of the application package during the application processing phase. Permission to join the project afterwards is granted by the project's main processor, a financial advisor at Business Finland. When joining the project afterward, use the Co-Innovation participant application. The joint project ID must also be used when joining the project afterwards.
Go to the Online service
Joint project plan
The joint project must have a joint project plan describing the entire project.
- Please also provide a summary of the project plan in the main application of your joint project. The main application cannot have attachments.
- The joint project plan does replace the main application for the joint project.
- The larger joint project plan must be attached as a document to the coordinator's participation application.
- The maximum length of the joint project plan is 20 pages. In addition to this, the companies have their own more detailed project plans. It is recommended that a description of the research be included in the joint project plan.
In the joint project plan, describe the concrete implementation and resourcing:
- What is the internationally recognized problem that the project aims to solve? What is its economic and social significance? What is the role of the Co-Innovation joint project's research and business projects in solving the problem?
- What are the goals of the Co-Innovation joint project and the cooperation conducted? How do you monitor and measure the achievement of the goals (e.g., what will you achieve at the end of a successful project and what KPIs are used to measure the achievements)?
- How would the Co-Innovation joint project promote the growth and renewal of the international business of Finnish companies (qualitatively and in euros)?
- Which parties are involved in the joint project, what kind of expertise do they bring to the project, and what is their role?
- What measures will be taken and by whom? What kind of research is conducted in the project and which companies will it benefit? What kind of concrete cooperation does the project involve? Description of the implementation (work packages: who will do what and when, what are the expected outcomes and pursued results), resources, and costs (work carried out by the different parties, purchased services).
- What kind of international cooperation do the public research and joint projects involve, and how will it support the achievement of the project goals?
- Which parties are applying for Business Finland's funding and which parties are otherwise involved in the project (e.g., in-kind contributions or companies funding public research)? A brief explanation of what the different participants bring to the project, what their expectations are, and what their budget and goals are.
- What measures will be taken and by whom? What kind of research is conducted in the project and which companies will it benefit? What kind of cooperation does the project involve? What are the plans for international cooperation? Description of the implementation (work packages: who will do what and when, what are the outcomes generated and pursued results), resources, and costs (work carried out by different parties, purchased services).
- Which results of the joint project will be actively disseminated and used during and after the project? Describe the measures to disseminate the research results of the project academically (e.g., workshops or conference presentations) and to companies (e.g., seminars, articles, or other publications). Please also include a publication plan concerning the results.
- The steering group for the Co-Innovation joint project
Cooperation agreements
The parties to the joint projects should conclude a mutual cooperation agreement on matters such as
- the management of the joint project
- the allocation of ownership and access rights for the results
- the principles on the exchange of information
- how the participants in a joint project share major procurements
- responsibilities should any of the participants leave the project.
Cooperation agreements will not be sent to Business Finland unless specifically requested.
Contract templates
The contract templates have been drawn up in cooperation between certain universities, universities of applied sciences, and research institutes. Business Finland is not responsible for the content of the templates, their suitability for the intended purpose, or their updating, and is not a contracting party to the cooperation contracts.
Notification of participation in a project
Coordination and reporting in a joint project
The coordination of large joint projects is a demanding task, and participants in joint projects must demonstrate that they have enough time and expertise to manage the project.
- The participants in the joint project must mutually agree on which of the participants will coordinate the preparation and implementation of the project. The project coordinator represents the joint project to Business Finland and reports on the progress of the entire project to Business Finland (as part of the reports on its own sub-project).
- The consortium may mutually agree that the coordinating participant will charge the other participants in the joint project for the costs of coordination, such as for the legal services related to contract negotiations (often a university). The costs will be eligible under the other beneficiaries' own projects. The service provided by the participant coordinating the joint project is an economic activity and not part of the coordinator's own project.
- The coordination of the joint project does not cover organization-specific internal project management and reporting to Business Finland. The funding decision is organization-specific, and each beneficiary is responsible for reporting its own sub-project subject to the funding decision to Business Finland. Administrative costs are included in the overhead costs of the participant's own project.
As a rule, the participants in the joint project submit reports on their own project and the cooperation simultaneously in accordance with the reporting schedule mentioned in the funding decisions. Simultaneous reporting facilitates the monitoring of the joint project and its goals.
Eligible costs
Eligible costs for public research projects (e.g., for research organizations)
All costs incurred must be related to the implementation of the project. We accept costs in accordance with the Funding Agency's general terms and conditions for public research. Eligible costs may include:
- salaries and wages
- indirect costs (general costs and indirect personnel costs)
- travel expenses
- costs of materials and supplies
- research equipment (see the funding terms and conditions for more detailed information)
- purchased services necessary for the implementation of the project
The following costs are not eligible in the project:
- unrequited expenses such as grants, donations, awards
- the costs of economic activities (including representation costs);
- advertising or marketing costs
Eligible costs for companies' R&D projects
The content and goals of the project determine which project costs can be accepted. We accept costs in accordance with Business Finland's general terms and conditions for companies' R&D funding. We accept costs at the earliest from the date of submitting the application to Business Finland.
In research and development projects, eligible cost types include:
- salaries and wages
- indirect personnel costs
- overheads
- travel expenses
- costs of materials and supplies
- equipment purchases
- depreciation and lease of equipment
- purchased services.
Costs of piloting projects may include:
- Costs of materials and supplies
- Facility design costs
- Productization services
- Operating costs during piloting
- Costs of R&D activities related to the piloting or demonstration project
- Removals or rentals of land, buildings and machinery and equipment during the project
If the beneficiary receives income from a prototype, demonstration project, or production testing created in the project during or immediately after the project, the beneficiary must report this to Business Finland immediately or no later than during the final report. If the income is significant, we may refuse to accept any costs related to commercial activities.
Please also read these instructions
A 'research and information dissemination organization' refers to any entity (such as universities or research institutes, technology transfer bodies, innovation intermediaries, research-oriented physical or virtual collaborative communities), irrespective of its legal status (whether governed by public or private law) or its mode of funding, the main purpose of which is to independently conduct basic research, industrial research, or experimental development, or to disseminate the results of such activities through education, publications, or the transfer of knowledge. Where such an entity also carries out economic activities, separate accounts must be kept for the funding, costs, and revenues of these economic activities. In such an entity, companies exercising decisive influence, for example as shareholders or members, must not have preferential rights over the results achieved.