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terms and conditions

Funding terms and conditions

The funding terms and conditions outline which costs can be covered by Business Finland funding in different projects, and how to report the costs and the project outcomes.

You can find the funding terms and conditions directly related to your project from your project pages in the online services.

Translations of the terms and conditions are provided for guidance only. Business Finland shall not guarantee the accuracy of the translated text. For interpretation purposes, the Finnish-language version shall apply.


Research organisations

Special terms and conditions

Online services

You can apply for funding, report on the progress of your project and create a cost statement through the Online Service. As a new feature, changes to projects are now applied for through the Online Service. All documents related to your project are also available via the Online Service.

Go to the Online Service

Previous terms and conditions
(from 2015 onwards)

The project will be subject to the funding terms and conditions in force at the time of the funding decision for the entire duration. From the links below you can access the terms and conditions in force for the period indicated by the link.

Companies' R&D projects

De minimis aid (ia Explorer funding services, Tempo)

Funding for Young Innovative Companies (and DeepTech Accelerator)

Incentive for Audiovisual Products

Innovation aid for shipbuilding

Innovation Cluster

Invest aid for circular economy

Energy Aid

Funding for IPCEI-projects

Research Organizations 

Funding for research infrastructure 

Innovation Voucher

Please note, that some of the funding terms and conditions might only be available in Finnish