Ecosystem Integrator funding
NOTE! Call for Ecosystem Integrator funding service was closed on December 15, 2024. The Ecosystem Integrator funding service is no longer included in Business Finland's funding selection. You cannot submit applications any more.
The maximum amount of Ecosystem Integrator funding is €100,000. Funding from Business Finland covers 50% of the project costs, which can be no more than €300,000 in total. The funding is a non-repayable grant. We will pay SMEs 70% of the funding after the funding decision has been made and the remainder in connection with the submission of the final project report. For large companies, the full amount of the funding will be paid on completion of the final report.
Funding is discretionary and competed for. Not every company that meets the minimum criteria automatically receives funding. Business Finland always assesses each company's business as a whole when making a decision: its competitive advantage, strength of international networks, and added value to Finnish ecosystems, the team and adequacy of funding.
What is required from your company?
- Secured total project funding
- At least one full-time person in Finland to manage the project to be funded
- Innovative solution with competitive advantage and a vision for growth
- Significant ability and willingness to develop and reform Finnish R&D ecosystems and networks, and to integrate them with applicant's international innovation processes
Instructions for applying
- Your company will benefit significantly from being connected to Finnish networks and you will be able to reciprocate by providing Finnish networks with access to international markets
- Your company has a credible financing plan and the potential to develop networks, participate in ecosystems, and grow significantly in Finland
- You know which customer needs your product or service idea will address
- Your company is aiming for significant growth in Finland
- Your company has a realistic vision of its unique competitive advantage in the market and of the needs for ecosystem and network development
- You have a committed team with at least one person working full-time in Finland, developing business and partner networks in Finland. The team's resources and competences are complemented with expertise available to them from outside Finland.
- The applicant's legal form must be a limited liability company registered in Finland (Oy or osakeyhtiö in Finnish)
The Ecosystem Integrator project must include the building, renewal and internationalization of networks and ecosystems. The funding must be directed primarily to activities carried out in Finland. The activities may be either in-house or subcontracted in Finland. The funding can be used in preparation of R&D activities, such as:
- Evaluation and establishment of a Finnish partner network
- Identification of a network of experts and building of a core R&D&I function
- Integrating R&D&I activities in Finland into the company's global innovation processes
- Identifying and launching research collaborations in Finland
- Design, implementation and validation of a technology solution in Finland
Funding is granted only once for each applicant company or a group's business unit.
Business Finland cannot grant funding if
- the applicant company has not submitted financial statements to the Finnish Patent and Registration Office, or the financial statements of a foreign group or parent company have not been submitted to Business Finland
- the applicant company is not included in the Tax Administration's Prepayment Register
- the applicant company has tax debts for which a payment plan has not been agreed with the tax authorities
- the applicant company has arrears, defaults or other financial obligations from previous Tekes or Business Finland loans