Business Finland offers a wide variety of services to help to position Finland towards selected leading international maritime and ports actors as the most attractive source of solutions and the long-term partner for sustainability and digitalization. This is boosted with a campaign on Decarbonized Maritime and Ports.
About campaign
World's forerunner players in shipbuilding, shipping and port operations are actively looking for solutions to lower their emissions footprint and reap the benefits of digitalization and automation.
Shipping covers 80% of transportation of goods globally. This campaign helped the transition towards lower emissions footprint in transportation while it will generate sales for Finnish companies and long-term partnerships to support sustainability goals. Majority of life cycle emissions and carbon footprint of both ships and ports are generated by energy usage. This makes the energy transition towards low carbon, zero carbon and zero emission fuels and electrification the real game changer for maritime and ports.
The goal of the campaign was to help Finnish maritime and ports industry to renew itself, its offering and cooperation networks to increase its global market share while playing active and positive role in green transition. Finland is in a good position to provide solutions for green transition. Strategies and roadmaps of leading Finnish maritime companies enable the transition towards zero carbon society, helping their customers to make future-ready buying decisions.
Our services are targeted for Finnish maritime companies, for international companies planning to invest in Finland as well as for Finnish universities and research institutions focusing on maritime topics.
Our major export promotion activities in 2023 were targeted towards ports in North America and shipbuilders in North America and in Europe. We also helped to connect with other selected market opportunities globally. The main target regions and countries for R&D&I collaboration are the EU, North America, and Singapore as a gateway to APAC.
Most of the services are free of charge.
Please contact Head of Decarbonized Maritime and Ports Markku Jokela for more details.
North America