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Call 20.2.-28.4.2023

Funding call: 5G/6G, AI, and Quantum Computing development environments and Microelectronics

For 2023, Business Finland will open a new funding call for projects aimed at building or developing test, pilot, research, and innovation infrastructures that promote the development of 6G, AI, and quantum computing and advancing microelectronics.

Further information


For more information, please contact us or leave a message in the online customer service with the identifier RRF – 5G/6G, AI, Quantum – development environments and microelectronics.


Olavi Keränen
Business Finland
olavi.keranen (at)

Call has ended!

The Sustainable Growth Program for Finland related to the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) aims to accelerate the development of competitiveness, investments, increased competence levels, and research, development, and innovation. It specifically focuses on promoting the green transition and the digital change.

The funding call enables launching two to four test, pilot, research, or innovation infrastructure projects that will significantly serve SMEs, the Finnish export sector, and related research. The funding granted in this funding call will not burden the quota for the temporary EUR 2,300,000 Covid-19 aid scheme authorized by the Commission, nor the de minimis quota for companies.

The funding call offers three separate forms of funding:

  • Funding for research infrastructures
  • Funding for infrastructures of innovation clusters and for supporting the activities of innovation clusters
  • Funding for Co-Innovation projects that promote the development of 6G, AI, quantum computing and microelectronics infrastructures, and Co-Innovation structured RDI-projects in microelectronics

How to apply for funding?

Please log in to the Business Finland Online service and fill in the basic information on the applicant and the application.

Select the funding service:

  • Research Infrastructure: 'Research Infrastructure funding ' (and 'Co-Research', if also public research funding is applied)
  • Innovation Clusters: 'Research, development, piloting'
  • Co-Innovation projects: 'Co-Innovation main application' / 'Co-Innovation company participants' / 'Co-Innovation research participant'


The funding call will open on February 20, 2023. The funding call will close on April 28, 2023.

Decisions on which projects will be funded will be made by the end of 2023.

Read call instructions (pdf)

Read about the Sustainable Growth Program for Finland
