Eureka is the world’s biggest public network for international cooperation in R&D and innovation, present in over 45 countries. In this Call for Proposals on Applied Quantum Technologies participate 15 Eureka countries: Austria, Belgium (Wallonia), Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Israel, Lithuania, Singapore, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Kingdom.
Business Finland represents the Eureka network in Finland, and Finnish participants in project consortia may apply for funding from Business Finland. The scope of the call covers key topics relevant to quantum technology applications. A closer description of the call description, as well as the eligibility criteria for international consortia, are presented on the international web site of call.
In this call Business Finland may fund individual Finnish companies as well as groups of Finnish companies participating in the joint international project. Research organisations may also be funded, provided that at least one Finnish for-profit company is participating in the same project consortium. Individual companies apply for R&D funding (instructions for small and midcap companies and large companies). Funding for groups of Finnish companies and for joint participation of Finnish companies and Finnish research organisations in the international consortia is applied as Co-Innovation funding.
The call has an open budget, and the applications compete for funding with other applications. The Finnish applicants need to file their funding applications using the Business Finland Online Service 9 May 2024 at the latest. The application needs to be followed by a joint project plan for the whole consortium. Projects are expected to start as from December 2024 depending on the decision process in different countries.
To enable a smooth processing of the applications, all Finnish applicants need to contact Business Finland as early as possible, and on 19 April 2024 at the latest. The names of the contact persons are attached.