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News 30.08.2024

New energy sector program concentrating on flexibility

Business Finland launched a new energy sector program: Flexible Energy Systems. The 6-year program facilitates future looking innovations and promotes Finnish solutions increasing flexibility of the energy system, with the aim to significantly strengthen the export industry and increase exports globally.

The Flexible Energy Systems program is aimed at Finnish companies of all sizes, special attention is put on start-ups and SMEs.

The scope covers solutions in the three energy sectors: electricity, heat (& cooling) and fuels, including but not restricted to

  • Solutions enabling integration of more intermittent and volatile electricity production
  • Solutions for decarbonization and electrification of the heat system and cooling
  • Solutions for flexible integration, utilization, and distribution of new clean fuels

The program supports the increase of Finland’s carbon handprint

The Flexible Energy Systems program supports the goal of Business Finland's Zero Carbon Future mission by increasing Finland’s global carbon handprint through enabling decarbonization of energy systems.

“Flexibility of an energy system means it can reliably handle variability and uncertainty, and smoothly switch between different types of energy. The shift from fossil, centralized and predictable power market to distributed, intermittent and varying production demands substantial innovation and investments on flexible solutions,” says Jussi Åkerberg, responsible for program preparation.

Electrification of the society, hydrogen economy, sector integration, digitalization and multiple new fuels call for a systemic change and new ways to generate, transfer, distribute, store, control, optimize and consume energy. Flexibility extends beyond adapting to intermittent energy production with storage and demand response; it involves seamless integration of different energy forms and diverse fuels to meet the needs of end customers, enabling effortless transitions between different energy sources.

Finnish solutions play a key role in driving systemic change

Finnish energy system is reliable and versatile and a great example to any country looking to enhance their use of renewable energy sources while maintaining a stable and efficient energy supply.

The Flexible Energy Systems program helps Finnish companies and researchers to bring out the best of what we have and what we will have in the future in the field of flexible systems. The program has set a big goal to position Finland's flexible energy solutions on the world stage as playing a key role in driving systemic change within the energy sector. This involves securing the long-term competitiveness through future oriented innovation, promoting Finnish companies as preferred partners and solution providers, helping Finnish companies adapt to the rapidly changing world, and branding Finland's energy system an example for others to follow.

The program also aims to facilitate generating new business by elaborating the paths from research to business in co-operation with Research Council of Finland.

Read more about Flexible Energy Systems program 

Welcome to program launch event

A launch event for customers, stakeholders, and the media will be held on 10th of October 2024 in Team Finland house in Ruoholahti, Helsinki. More information of the details of the event will follow.

Further information

Jussi Åkerberg
Program Preparation Lead
jussi.akerberg (at)
+358 50 441 1199

Tessa Skinner
Program Coordinator
tessa.skinner (at)
+358 505669384