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News 22.05.2024

Lots of things going on in Veturi ecosystems

Over 20 leading companies´ (Veturi) ecosystems, serving as locomotives to accelerate research, development, and innovation activities across various fields, are already in motion. These locomotives do not stand in the depot, but speed ahead with their partners.

For example, are you familiar with the Valio´s Food 2.0 project, aiming to create a food system based on sustainable production in Finland? Valio has initiated wide-ranging cooperation and research and development projects with its partners. The goals are ambitious: Valio and its the cooperation network aim to invest a total of 100 million euros in research and development over five years, and to increase exports connected to the food system by more than one billion euros. There's still time to register for the Food 2.0 ecosystem kick-off event taking place on June 17. Get to know the leading companies and their upcoming events.

Get on board as a partner with the leading companies

Business Finland offers partnership model funding for R&D projects according to the roadmaps of the leading companies. These roadmaps are views of the leading companies of which solutions, technologies and competences are needed to achieve the defined missions. Funding intended for projects of companies and research organizations as well as individual companies can be applied for continuously. For research organizations´ projects there are two call rounds per year. The next funding call for research organizations closes on August 30, 2024.

New leading companies on the tracks

New leading companies are once again sought through a challenge competition. Project proposals must offer solutions to major future challenges, either missions or significant technology challenges. The companies selected as winners must significantly increase their R&D activities in Finland, as well as create new jobs and billion-scale ecosystems aimed at new business. The first phase of the challenge competition closes on September 5, 2024.

Read more about Business Finland funding for leading companies and their ecosystems