Business Finland's customer satisfaction is at a very high level this year. Our expertise, support, and the attitude and quality of our experts are highly valued, receiving a lot of praise from our customers. We receive criticism for the duration of processing funding applications, and customers expect clear and transparent communication from us.
Open feedback from Business Finland's customers for the first half of the year 2024 is generally positive. We investigated the recurring themes in our customers' feedback, whether the same issues recurred regardless of the service area, the overall impression of the services, and what our customers expect from us in the future.
The customer satisfaction survey was responded to by 329 companies that utilized internationalization services and 212 companies that applied for funding. The expertise, support, service quality, and attitude of our experts receive extensive appreciation and praise in open feedback. Comments reveal that even many negative experiences turned positive through personal interaction with our experts. The customer satisfaction for internationalization services is 4.6/5 and for funding services 4.4/5.
In the customer feedback from companies that utilized internationalization services, as much as 76 percent of the feedback is very positive. The feedback highlights the exceptional support and service provided by our experts, as well as tailored personal service and professional expertise. 14 percent of the customer feedback included areas for improvement, such as a desire for faster and better information from our well-liked events. Only two percent of the feedback was negative, such as wishing for better communication of existing services.
"The trend towards listening to the companies, what they do and tailoring the help and advisory accordingly has been a very positive trend during past years. Having good contacts inside BF who know your company and what you do, is essential for progressing the relevant topics for the company at the right time.” (Customer feedpack 2024)
“Excellent professional service with good knowledge of local market and business culture. So much help for us and saving in trial and failure learning cost.” (Customer feedpack 2024)
Feedback from customers of funding services is 43 percent positive, 14 percent of the feedback is neutral or includes areas for improvement, and 21 percent of the feedback is critical or negative. Customer satisfaction was significantly better in the feedback from 40 companies' customers where funding projects were already completed (68% / 22% / 10%).
"Many thanks for the guidance during the application process. Business Finland stands out because the application guidance is made applicant-friendly during the application phase. The applicant receives feedback before applying, and the application can still be supplemented after the application deadline based on the feedback received. I believe that this approach leads to the best outcome for both the grantor and the applicant. A big thank you, in my opinion, for the beneficial application procedure and above all the guidance during the application process." (Customer Feedback 2024)
"We submitted our application in the fall before the closure of the application service. Nearly half a year to receive the first response is far too long a time. The funding criteria should also be much clearer. Competitive funding and discretion work poorly. Clear and strict criteria would work better." (Customer Feedback 2024)
Artificial intelligence was used to assist in analyzing the data, but it has been reviewed by an expert.