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Call 1.11.2023-16.2.2024

Joint Call for Finnish-Turkish collaborative R&D projects in sustainable production methods in automotive and textile industries

Business Finland and TÜBİTAK have opened a call for collaborative Finnish-Turkish R&D projects. 

More information

Ilmari Absetz (Circular Economy, Textile Industries)
Tel: +358 50 5577 837
Email: ilmari.absetz (at)


Marika Ollaranta (Textile Industry, Decarbonizing Industries Program)
Tel: +358 50 4804 611
Email: marika.ollaranta (at)


Sixten Sandström (Digitalization and Automation)
Tel: +358 50 4824 379
Email: sixten.sandstrom (at)


Toni Mattila (Sustainable Manufacturing Finland Program)
Tel: +358 40 5009 909
Email: toni.mattila (at)


Juha Pulkkinen (Business Finland funding rules and criteria)
Tel. +358 44 4368 043
Email: juha.pulkkinen (at)

Call has ended!

Business Finland and TÜBİTAK have jointly opened this call in order to support research and development collaboration between Finland and Türkiye.

Business Finland may fund Finnish organizations taking part in consortia participating in this call. The applications must meet the national funding criteria of Business Finland (Funding terms and conditions). The funding rules and the focus areas of the joint call are described more closely in the Call Text. It is important that that the consortium also familiarizes itself with the TÜBİTAK funding rules regarding the part of work planned to be done in Türkiye.

Business Finland funding

Business Finland can finance Finnish parties in project consortia participating in this round of applications. National funding criteria are applied for funding, including the criteria for Co-Innovation funding. Business Finland can finance Finnish parties in project consortia participating in the application. It is important for the consortium to familiarize itself with TÜBİTAK's financing conditions for the part planned to be carried out in Turkey.

The Finnish applicants need to file their funding applications using the Business Finland Online Service. To enable a smooth processing of the applications, all Finnish applicants need to contact Business Finland as early as possible, and on 24 January 2024 at the latest. The names of the contact persons are attached. The application needs to be followed by a joint project plan for the whole consortium. Projects are expected to start in both countries after 3 July 2024.