Midnight Sun Event is Visit Finland's largest international sales event that takes place in Finland. The event brings together international buyers and Finnish suppliers.
In 2019, the event is held in Tampere.
Join Visit Finland's very first Midnight Sun Workshop! The event will be held in Tampere on 11–12 June 2019 in co-operation with Visit Finland, Finnair and Visit Tampere. The Midnight Sun Workshop will bring together Finnish partners and international tour operators from Visit Finland’s and Finnair’s main markets from Europe to Asia, Middle East and North America.
The Midnight Sun Workshop aims to promote and sell Finland as an interesting summer destination – without forgetting Finland's winter travel opportunities either. Our goal is to facilitate a high-level workshop where sellers and buyers meet in the beautiful midsummer atmosphere of Finland.
Buyers can take part on pre and post workshop tours in Finland during which you will have a unique chance to experience our main travel regions and a wide range of Finnish summer products.