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Next level global competitive edge through digital transformation

The aim of the Digital Native Finland mission is to accelerate digital transformation and create a global competitive advantage for Finnish companies. By increasing digital capabilities, we can increase sustainable customer value and raise the productivity of companies to the next level.

About Mission

Radical renewal of businesses through digital transformation is the cornerstone of both Finland's global competitiveness and secure resilient digital society. Investing in software driven future intelligent connectivity and data economy will give a competitive edge to Finnish export companies and attract foreign investments.

Mission goals

  • To make Finnish companies stand out in digital native competencies
  • To boost Finland's tech leadership and global digital competitiveness
  • To enable global cooperation for digital business and society
Future opportunities for Finland

Business Finland's missions are targeted actions addressing global change themes to accelerate transformation and help solve global mega-challenges. Through these missions, we aim to bring broad benefits to society and seek significant future market opportunities for Finnish companies. We also strive to enhance the ability of Finnish companies to capitalize on these opportunities more effectively.

The missions combine long-term strategic foresight with support for businesses in the present.
Business Finland's program activities are strongly focused on both current and future missions.

Contact us

Mission Lead

Janne Järvinen

+358 40 7544 738

Advisory Board 

The Advisory Board consists of experts from various fields. Its task is to bring expertise from their respective sectors and societal perspectives to Business Finland's missions.

Members of the Digital Native Finland Mission Advisory Board:

  • Bittium, Jari Partanen, Head of Quality, Environment and Technology Management
  • Futurice, Tuomas Syrjänen, Co-Founder, Board member
  • TEM, Mika Nordman, Director, Digital Services
  • Kone, Jaana Hyvärinen, Senior Manager, Strategic Foresight
  • Nokia, Jarkko Pellikka, Program manager, Industrial 5G
  • University of Oulu, Markku Oivo, Professor